Investor Relations

Revenue across ten companies

12 months Turnover / Sales

£ 0 m

Gross Margin

0 %

Our People


Operating Profit

£ 0 m

Regional Depots


Numver of Live Projects


Fully Employed Apprentices


Share Price (LSE)

Investor Information (AIM Rule 26)

The investor information on Northern Bear plc is being disclosed for the purposes of rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies. You can find out more below.

Northern Bear plc is a public company limited by shares registered in England and Wales with company number 05780581. Northern Bear plc (NTBR) is a holding company for a number of wholly-owned subsidiaries operating in the specialist building services sector in the UK. Please refer to for further details of our business.

Northern Bear plc was incorporated in the UK on April 2006, and on 30 November 2006 the company was re-registered as a public limited company. Its main country of operation is the UK.

A copy of the Company’s articles of association can be accessed here.

The securities of Northern Bear plc are traded on AIM, the market of that name operated by London Stock Exchange plc. Its shares have not been admitted, nor have any applications been made, for any of its shares to be admitted or traded on any other exchanges or trading platforms.

The number of shares outstanding was 13,750,276 Ordinary Shares of 1p each, as at 31 December 2024. In addition, the Company currently holds 5,267,040 shares as Treasury Shares. The total number of shares in issue was therefore 19,017,316 Ordinary Shares of 1p each, as at 31 December 2024.  The free float at 31 December 2024 was 13,750,276 Ordinary Shares, based on the shares outstanding as above and excluding shares held as Treasury Shares.      In accordance with the AIM Rules (Rule 26), in so far as the Company is aware, the percentage of the Company’s issued share capital not in public hands was 51.8% at 31 December 2024.

As at 31 March 2024, the Company is aware of the following shareholders holding 3 per cent or more of the issued share capital of the Company.

NameNumber% Holding
Nicholas Beaumont-Dark and family3,626,50026.4%
Steve Roberts813,3005.9%
David Jay561,5104.1%
Keith Soulsby and family558,0704.1%

There are no restrictions on the transfer of Northern Bear plc’s shares.

A copy of past financial results and other key documents can be accessed here.

All regulatory announcements made by Northern Bear plc over the last five years can be accessed here.

Please refer here to access the company admission document dated December 2006.

The Directors of Northern Bear plc (the “Company” or “Northern Bear”) recognise the importance of good corporate governance and have adopted the Corporate Governance Code produced by the Quoted Companies Alliance (the “Code”). Insofar as it is practicable given Northern Bear’s size and the constitution of its Board, the Directors of Northern Bear (the “Directors” and together the “Board”) seek to comply with all provisions of the Code.

The Code contains 10 broad principles for corporate governance and asks companies to provide disclosures in their Annual Report and Financial Statements, and on their website, as to how they are meeting the principles and any areas where they have chosen to depart from them.

We have chosen to also include disclosures relevant to the Annual Report on our website as far as possible. The date that compliance with the Code was last reviewed is 24 July 2023. Please refer here for details on how the code has been applied.

A list of company directors and other key members of Northern Bear Plc can be found here.

The Company is a public company incorporated in the UK and has its place of central management and control in the UK. Accordingly, the Takeover Code applies to the Company and, as a result, Shareholders are entitled to the benefit of the takeover offer protections provided under the Takeover Code.

A list containing advisers of Northern Bear Plc can be found here.

The Company’s securities are listed and traded AIM with the ticker AIM:NTBR but not on any other exchanges or trading platforms.



Hybridan as Nominated Broker maintains research on the Company which is available via all major platforms such as Bloomberg, Research Tree and Refinitiv by way of just a few examples, and if shareholders need any further assistance, then please contact the Company.