Northern Bear has opened a regional office in Carlisle to develop new business opportunities in North West England, especially Cumbria.

It has appointed Ged Kimmins, who has been with Northern Bear since January 2019, to target both new and existing clients in the region to generate more opportunities for the range of specialist building services provided by the 12 businesses in the Northern Bear group.
Previously Ged had worked for national roofing supply company for 20 years as a branch director and as a key account manager for public procurement, where he was responsible for managing the supply of roofing materials on both the Reallies and Fusion 21 Frameworks, day-to-day dealing with key personnel from contractors, housing associations and local authorities.
Ged had just got the new office at Carlisle up and running when lockdown started and he was furloughed, as were many Northern Bear staff. He returned to work on 1 June. “I’m busy already trying to making new contacts and building on existing ones,” he said. “Some of the Northern Bear companies have previously worked in Cumbria and opening this new office will help to develop it further. It gives clients confidence to see a local presence.”
Keith Soulsby, the Operations Director of Northern Bear plc, said: “This is a positive next step in the development of the Northern Bear group. The new regional office will open up new opportunities for our family of specialist businesses, building from the strong base we already have in the North East and Yorkshire.”
The office at Carlisle Airport Business Park will be available for all Northern Bear companies to use.
The contact details are:
Ged Kimmins, Group Business Development Manager,, 07825 241 054
Northern Bear
Skiddaw House
Carlisle Airport Business Park